Taking an AP class this year? Make sure to mark your AP Exam dates on your calendar. Stay tuned for Spring semester AP classroom and opt-out information.
Check out upcoming college fairs (both virtual and at local locations) and college visits here at Leesville. Access our College Fairs and Visits page with all the dates and details.
Lunchtime tutoring for Math is available Tuesdays and Thursdays during both lunches behind Room 5 (next to Student Services). Look for the sign. Food is allowed, so stay for all or part of your lunch. Lunchtime tutoring for Science is available Wednesdays, during both lunches. During A lunch, they will be in Room 251 and during B lunch, in Room 241.
Make sure you're connected to Leesville and receiving all the latest updates through email, texts, websites, and social media.
Check out upcoming college fairs (both virtual and at local locations) and college visits here at Leesville. Access our College Fairs and Visits page with all the dates and details.
Lunchtime tutoring for Math is available Tuesdays and Thursdays during both lunches behind Room 5 (next to Student Services). Look for the sign. Food is allowed, so stay for all or part of your lunch. Lunchtime tutoring for Science is available Wednesdays, during both lunches. During A lunch, they will be in Room 251 and during B lunch, in Room 241.
Make sure you're connected to Leesville and receiving all the latest updates through email, texts, websites, and social media.
Mission and Services
The Student Services department at Leesville Road High School provides advising, counseling, planning, and support to address the academic, career, and personal/social needs of each student. We work with students, parents, families, teachers, administrators, and service providers to help students learn and achieve academic and personal growth.
If you can’t answer the questions below, see your counselor!
· How do I calculate my GPA?
· How do I study, manage my time, stay organized?
· How do I get help from my teachers?
· How can I repeat classes if I have failed some?
· How can I still graduate when I am supposed to?
· How do I research what I want to do after high school?
· How do I increase my chances of getting accepted into college?
- How do I deal with stress, friends, or any other life issues?
Or any other questions you may have... The Student Services department is here to help you.
If you can’t answer the questions below, see your counselor!
· How do I calculate my GPA?
· How do I study, manage my time, stay organized?
· How do I get help from my teachers?
· How can I repeat classes if I have failed some?
· How can I still graduate when I am supposed to?
· How do I research what I want to do after high school?
· How do I increase my chances of getting accepted into college?
- How do I deal with stress, friends, or any other life issues?
Or any other questions you may have... The Student Services department is here to help you.